Grant Mentoring Workshop

We offer a virtual grant mentoring workshop each December. The goal of the workshop is to provide feedback and mentoring to Network members on their planned NIA ADRD grant submissions to increase their funding success and encourage sustained commitment to unpacking the education—ADRD relationship. For any investigator, and especially for new investigators, proposal workshops are critical for successful grant proposals. Thus, investigators at any career stage are encouraged to participate in the workshop.

We will identify 2 ADRD researchers with experience serving on NIA study sections to review each proposal. For example, Network PIs, co-investigators, and external advisory board members are among the pool of potential reviewers.

To be eligible to participate, you must:
  • Be a Network Member.
  • Submit the project title, target submission date, and NIA grant mechanism (e.g., R01, K99, K01, R21) two months prior to the scheduled workshop.
  • Submit a fully drafted Specific Aims page, plus 2-4 sentences describing the significance of the project and its innovation a month before the scheduled workshop.
  • For K mechanisms, submit a draft of your candidate background and training plan (in addition to Specific Aims).
  • For revised applications, please consider submitting your summary statement with your materials.